Sunday, February 7, 2016

Transfer 12 Week 3??

I think I got messed up on my weeks. We just finished week one of the
transfer, didn't we?... Oh well!

This week's highlights:
Took a much needed nap on pday!

MLC in Fukuoka. Kaicho sat us down and said "Take out your white
handbooks! We are going to have many opportunities to repent today". I
am happily repenting! Yay for obedience! I also got mail for the first
time since before Christmas! That was happy!

Went to Cathy's and she had us wear kimonos! We went for Setsubun. We
also threw beans at her husband in a demon mask to chase away evil for
the year. So fun!

ZTM on Thursday went really well! The Spirit was so strong. My
companion and I gave a short training about working with the Spirit
and being "tunable". It was fun to use my musical nerdy skills to
hopefully help the missionaries want to work with the Spirit!

The office elders came to close our old apartment. This involved
helping them carry heavy desks down 4 flights of stairs. I am feeling
very buff. And tired.

Had a miracle when we saw our investigator Tsugumi chan, who we were
trying to contact all week, was just walking down the street when we
left our apartment.

Our lesson with Yasuko san (our 91-year-old grandma) went well and she
could hear us perfectly!

District Conference on Sunday, we got to see President and Sister
Egan, and the temple president and his wife! I loved the talks and I
took lots of notes.

Crazy week! Sorry today is kind of scatter-brained!

At MLC, Kaicho suddenly asked all of the missionaries going home this
transfer to stand and bear their testimony. On the train ride that
morning, I had an impression to prepare a short testimony just in
case. Good thing I did! I hope what I said made sense. I talked about
being a living testament and witness of the Savior, just as the Book
of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. Someone could look at
my life and see that I am living proof that the Atonement works! It
was kind of awkward being around the other missionaries though because
they just ask you "How are you? Can you believe you're dying this
transfer?" In all honesty, I don't know if it has hit me yet. There
are so many mixed emotions. But I am just going to keep working while
I can! I love my mission!

Some thoughts I wanted to share today:

I am learning a lot about enduring to the end! I love this scripture!
D&C 64: 32-33 But all things must come to pass in their time.
Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the
foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that
which is great.

I have another Japanese lesson for you! Komatsu Shimai has been
helping me learn some kanji. The character used in Joy (koufuku) is 幸.
辛 is the character used in the word pain (tsurai). They are very
similar, right? The first one has just one more stroke! We ask in our
contacts "What do you think is that one thing that can make a painful
experience into a joyful experience?"

For me, it is an eternal perspective. Most of the blessings I hope for
will not come to me right now. I have to be patient and have faith
that everything will work out.

I found another scripture that I had marked in the MTC:

Alma 29:9 "this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in
the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my

I have had so much joy from trying to be a tunable instrument in the
hands of the Lord!

Have a great week! 頑張ります!

Sanders Shimai

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