Monday, June 22, 2015

Transfer six last week

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: June 22, 2015 9:13:55 PM MST
Subject: Transfer six last week

Transfer Six Last Week

Woah this transfer went by fast! I guess it was only five weeks long instead of six.., how is summer vacation going? Summer here is the rainy season, so I am living in my kappa basically. Yay for plastic rain suits! Except the problem is, even though it keeps the rain out, it keeps all your body heat in, so you end up just as soaked as if you had just rode your bike through the rain. Sorry, that's gross, but true!

Japan is good. I eat rice at least twice a day. I get stared at. I am getting eaten alive by bugs. We are finding lots of interested people. I love my mission!

Transfer calls are today! but I am feeling like I will probably stay...but who knows! I am not very good at guessing lately. 

This week we had some cool things happen with our investigators.
Murakami San is finally praying to receive an answer if the Book of Mormon is true. She has been taking the lessons off and on for a few years, and I straight up asked her if she had ever wondered and asked God if it was true. She got knd of はずかしい and embarrassed, and said that would probably  be a good thing to do. I testified that if the Book of Mormon is true, and because I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's restored church. I know that there is a prophet who leads and guides us. I know that I can have an eternal family. I know that I will see God again someday. Murakami San thought for a moment... And she asked "What is the temple, and how do I get to it?" I told her that very first, she needed to pray. We made her a baptismal calendar and told her that a year after her baptism, she can go to the temple with her family. The most success with investigators that I have seen has been when their goal is the temple. I am so excited for Murakami San! Right now her baptismal date is the week of my birthday!! We are way excited to help her get to the temple with her family.

Our other investigator Tamami San is getting back on track with her baptismal goal for the beginning of August. The lesson was rough though. She had relapsed with smoking and the whole house smelled awful. We tried to teach what we had planned to teach her, but then I felt like we needed to take it a different direction. I asked her why she was meeting with us, and why she wanted to get baptized. She said いいじゃない which means "it's whatever". I wasn't very happy with her answer. We talked about how baptism is a promise that we make with God. It is an important decision. I was very bold, but also loving. I told her what the baptismal interview questions were. It kind of shocked her, but then she understood that it is not a "whatever" thing. We also told her about God's love and the temple. She said she wants to go inside the temple. We told her that before she gets there, there are a few steps she needs to take. First is quitting smoking and finding a new job so she can come to church on Sunday, then she needs to keep the rest of the commandments, next is getting baptized. I really really believe that she would be a strong member in this ward! She can do it!! We are praying for her so hard and visiting her lots so she can quit smoking.

Our other investigators are doing good too! Lin and Hiromi and Zaitsu are all trying to come to church. They are just kind of stubborn and are always busy. 

This week I learned more about the importance of being patient. In PMG (pg 129) patience is described this way: "Patience is the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious. It is the ability to do God's will and accept His timing. When you are patient, you hold up under pressure and are able to face adversity calmly and hopefully. Patience is related to hope and faith--you must wait for the Lord's promised blessings to be fulfilled. You need patience in your everyday experiences and relationships, especially with your companion. You must be patient with all people, yourself included, as you work to overcome faults and weaknesses."

This transfer has been really hard, but as I have relied on the Lord, He has helped me to be able to let go of the things that cause me stress. He had to be patient in His trials, so I really need to try to be patient in mine. There are more hard things ahead. I can't let one thing knock me down. I can do hard things. My district leader called me to make sure I was doing okay. I explained the situation and he said "Sister Sanders, do you want to enjoy your mission, or keep enduring it? I think if you choose to be happy, you won't have to endure as much." Ahhhh wise words District Leader. Elder Christensen is the best. My mom says "choose to be happy" all the time! Every day,  I tell people on the streets that "God wants us to be happy!" So... Why haven't I been happy? As funny as it sounds, it is a personal problem. We can't allow our environment to affect our happiness. We can't allow others' opinions to define or confine us. That is not God's way. 

From the book of Isaiah, God says: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

My way would be to sulk and pout and wish for this trial to be over... Luckily, the Lord's way is not only better, but easier. Christ beckons: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Doesn't that sound so much better? 

I know that the Lord helps us when we ask for it.  I know that we can choose to be happy despite the hard times we are going through. We can grow where we are planted, and make the best out of every situation. God loves us and gives us trials for our benefit. I am so thankful for the trials I experience as a missionary. As I am in the final half of my mission, I look back and see with more perspective how my trials have propelled me forward in terms of my progression. As I look ahead, I am hopeful that I will have more refining experiences. I really just want to be what God wants me to be. 

I love you all! Stay genki! I hear that my friends are getting back from their missions?! What the heck! Has it already been two years?? Woah.  Someone please tell me what RM life is like... It just sounds so scary. 

Just as a reminder... My birthday is on July 21st! Send me an email that week with your favorite scripture and I will be soooooo happy!! And please send me pictures!!! 


Sent from my iPad

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