Sunday, November 16, 2014

Star Wars, Graveyards, and Thanksgiving... chicken?

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: November 16, 2014 8:58:06 PM MST
Subject: Star Wars, Graveyards, and Thanksgiving... chicken?

This is gonna be a short one, gomen nasai. But we had a great week!

On the 20th, I`ll have been in Japan for 1 month, and serving my mission for 3 months! We are planning on making a yummy dinner, but that`s about all the celebrating we have time for.

First, I have to tell you about the cutest investigator ever, YAMAGUCHI SAN! His lesson on Thursday I was so nervous for, because we had to find out how he was doing witht he Word of Wisdom. He comes into the church and basically struts past us to the classroom where our lessons are. We follow him and ask `Chie no Kotoba dou desu ka?` and He says in english, Smoking, bye bye, Alcohol, byebye, COFFEE.... bye bye. Every day is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he is doing so great! I can see the change in his face! He looks so happy. We are trying to decide if we move up his baptism date. We have started planning for it, and we will probably sing I heard Him Come... one of my favorites! He is the most prepared person. He is so willing to keep the commandments. On Sunday, he showed us his own ketsui (commitment) paper saying FROM THIS DAY ON... I WILL NEVER USE TOBACCO, ALOCOHOL, OR COFFEE BECAUSE I WANT TO BE SAVED. So cute! We cried. Both me and Sister Nelson are criers, haha!

Our other investigators are great! Yukari san is working on Reading the Book of Mormon every day, then Yamasaki san is... still deciding some things... but we went with her to visit her friend in the hospital, who turned out to be interested in our message! We want her to feel comfortable calling herself Christian. She has made a lot of progress in the last few weeks. 

This week it got super cold! But one day while we were riding our bikes, the school kids had just gotten out, and a group of boys starting yelling Herro, I rove you!!!!!! as we were riding past. SO FUNNY! Everyone tries to use their English when they talk to us.

We will be singing Christmas carols at Tenjin! That`s southern Japan`s equivalent of Times Square. Sister Nelson and I are in charge of it, but she goes home in 2 weeks, so after that it will be all me. Good thing I love music, right?

I overcame a big weakness of mine this week and I told myself to just TALK to people, be myself, and say what I know. I was able to contact 70 people this week, make appointments, and place lots of Book of Mormons to people who I think were actually interested. I just have to open my mouth and have faith!

I am so happy! Thanks everyone for your prayers and love! I am so thankful for it!!!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

-Sister Sanders

Sanders Shimai

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