Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Best Day of My Life

Today, on Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 I went through the temple for the first time. I had a wonderful experience! I've been preparing for 18 (almost 19) years to go to the temple to receive my Endowment. As I've been preparing to go on my mission as well, I have made sure not to treat the temple as something to as a checklist item. I am so excited for my mission, but going to the Temple has been my main goal. I hope living worthy to go to the temple is your top priority as well.
Here's some of the best advice that I've been given that I found particularly helpful:

  • Take a Temple Prep Class. Chances are, your ward or stake will have a Temple Prep Class that you can attend. In my ward, my Bishop teaches the class and I found it very helpful. 
  • Talk to your parents or leaders. Of course, because of how sacred the temple is, we don't talk about exactly what happens inside, but you can always ask your parents, leaders, or a trusted friend that has gone through for their advice.
  • The Temple is different. One of my dearest friends serving a mission sent me this: I learned this in the Temple. When people say that they don't feel right about the Temple it is not because it is not true. It is because they aren't at the level of understanding yet to comprehend what is being taught in the Temple. The Temple is different. Be open to everything there and remember that is is just different not wrong.
  • Come with an open heart. Your first time, just listen. Don't worry about a thing. There are people there specifically to help you. To be honest, the experience was not what I expected. I loved it though. Take comfort in the fact that everything has scriptural reference and it is the way God intended it to be.
  • There is so much to learn- don't feel like you have to remember everything or learn everything your first time. It takes a lifetime and more to understand it all.

Today is going straight to the top of my list of "Best Days Ever". I cannot express in words how happy I am. I will just have to say this: I feel pure joy. This is a huge milestone in my life here on earth, and through the eternities. I testify that this Gospel is true and brings lasting happiness.

Me in front of the beautiful Gilbert Temple!

Another shot of the Gilbert Temple (not taken by me)

Here is the beautiful temple in Fukuoka! I can't wait to see it!!!

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