Sunday, July 26, 2015

Transfer seven week five

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: July 26, 2015 7:06:20 PM MST
Subject: Transfer seven week five

Hello everyone!! 

Transfer Seven Week 5

Hey everyone! I had a crazy week, and I am sorry this is a short email. I had my birthday, went to the hospital, many had to recover... but I am doing way better now! Thanks everyone for your prayers! It definitely helped. It was just a hard week, but I am really looking forward to moving on! We saw lots of miracles.

When does college start again? Are my friends going to be juniors?? Good grief. Everyone stop getting old! I am disgusted by the amount of weddings that are coming up. Just kidding, I am excited. Make sure to send me pictures!

I can't give up. God does not want me to fail. He has given me strength when I have needed it. Sometimes I wonder why we have to go through such hard things in order to learn a simple lesson. I don't know the reason... But God does. He promises that he will give us good gifts (i.e. what we need to grow). He promises that if we just turn to him, we won't fail. We don't fail until we quit trying. I am not going to quit. I have work to do and I have a lot longer on my journey to go. 
Sometimes, I can really only express myself in Nihongo... Gomen.
Thanks for all your love and support! Talk to you next week.

Sent from my iPad

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Transfer Seven Week Four

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: July 19, 2015 6:47:40 PM MST
Subject: Transfer Seven Week Four

Transfer Seven Week Four

Hey!! Today is my last day as a teenager! Woohoo! I turn twenty tomorrow, but we are celebrating today :) some of the other Sisters in our zone are coming to our area to go out to lunch and go shopping. 

We met our new mission President and his wife! President Egan works at Lagoon, and he made lots of roller coaster puns. I really like him. He has a tender heart and couldn't stop saying how much he loves us. He will be good for this mission. I had a very sweet experience when I met with him for my interview. I looked into his eyes and felt sooooo much love. I had the thought "I wonder if this is what it will be like to look into Heavenly Father's eyes someday..." Sister Egan is amazing. When she introduced herself, the very first thing she said was that she loved the scriptures and she loved to learn. She is one of my heroes! I have been talking to her a lot the last couple of days because I got sick... Again. We are trying to figure out what is going on with me. I have been in contact with the area doctor and he is making sure I am taken care of. All is well in Kumamoto!

I am definitely learning humility. Because I have been sick, I have had to rely a lot on others for help. I hate accepting help though, so it was hard. The Ward members have been so sweet and bring us healthy food and they have all offered so much help to us. My district has been so patient too. Sister Popham has been helping a lot. I am glad she is patient, because it has been so crazy lately. I really really feel loved. District leader has been watching out for me and he was the one who told me to call Sister Egan. I didn't want to call her, but he insisted. I am glad I called though because now I am finally starting to get better. God loves His missionaries! In my patriarchal blessing, I am promised that I will have angels surrounding me when I need help, and I have been in the presence of many angels this week especially.

I read the talk "Latter-day Saints keep on Trying" and found a few things that had a big impact on me. A lot of times I just feel inadequate... Sometimes I catch myself thinking "How can God expect me to do this?! I can't speak this language! I am not a good teacher! I don't even like talking to people... I am shy!" Thinking like that is ダメ!Those are anti-Atonement statements! In the talk, it says "God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying."

Even though I have lots of room to grow, I can say that I have changed since I left on my mission 11 months ago today. I hope I am a little more refined. I know that my testimony is stronger. I have conquered a lot of fears and I really do try. I know that God has not called me to be successful... He has called me to be faithful. I know that through my obedience and faithfulness, I can be confident in where I stand with my Heavenly Father. He is so happy when He sees us try again.

If you're like me, and feel like you've stumbled one too many times, and maybe are not ready to try again... I want you to remember that your Heavenly Father loves you. He will help you. We are asked to "evaluate our lives, repent, and keep on trying. If we don't try, we're just latter-day sinners; if we don't persevere, we're latter-day quitters; and if we don't allow others to try, we're just latter-day hypocrites. As we try, persevere, and help others to do the same, we are true Latter-day Saints. As we change, we will find that God indeed cares a lot more about who we are and about who we are becoming than about who we once were."

Keep trying!!! To God, time is not a variable. We are all a work in progress. We are all a work of art. 

I know that God loves us. He is patient with us, and asks us to be patient with others and with ourselves. We can receive help through Christ's Atonement when we humbly seek for it.

Thank you for all the birthday love!!! For my birthday, today we are celebrating by going out to lunch and shopping! and then tomorrow a member invited us over for lunch. They were so excited on Sunday. They kept saying "See you on Tuesday!" Then they would mischievously laugh and say it again. I was walking down the hallway at church and a bunch of members were in a big group. I heard one say "When is Sister Sanders birthday?" And then his wife swatted his arm and said "she's right there! Be quiet!" I just smiled and said "my birthday is next year!" Haha I love Shimizu Ward! 

Have a great week! Be genki! 愛しています!

Sent from my iPad

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Transfer Seven Week Three

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: July 12, 2015 7:25:56 PM MST
Subject: Transfer Seven Week Three

Transfer Seven Week Three

Hello from Kumamoto! Every area in Japan has a mascot/ character... And in Kumamoto, the mascot is Kumamon the bear! He is a very cute bear, and beloved by all. We went with our investigator Hiromi to watch someone dressed in a Kumamon costume dance on a stage. I was sandwiched between 4 moms with their toddlers and one of them saw me and started crying... #gaijinprobs. I will send pictures. I also have videos of the dancing. I hope you enjoy it :) I love Japan!

I have been getting some birthday cards!!!! Ahhhh thank you so much! I can't wait to open them!!! I can't believe I turn twenty in 8 days. I still don't know what I am doing for my birthday... My roommates say they are planning something fun with the Elders and told me not to worry about it. I am excited :) The ward members keep asking me suspicious questions like what my favorite color/food is. 

We've had record breaking heat and humidity levels! And it is supposed to get way hotter next week! Kumamoto is in a big valley, so all the humidity sits here and it feels like I am walking through a cloud most days... It is so different from Arizona. While we are housing though, everyone offers us cold drinks. That has been a blessing. I drink about 3 liters of water a day, plus electrolyte drinks so I don't get heat stroke. Buuuut I am getting tan! It's a missionary tan but Yay!!! My watch tan is pretty legit. People tell us that we are crazy for being outside, but then we tell them that our message is so important that we want to tell everyone about it, no matter what the weather is. We have had some cool contacts that way. 

I have gotten really close with some of the members in Shimizu ward! I have a new Japanese mom, her name is Kojima Shimai and she is so wonderful. She works so hard, and she not only chases her kids around, but she joints for lessons and takes care of her mom. She has been so sweet to me and has been helping us so much. I learned a funny kotowaza (proverb) from her this week! It is "kusai mono niwa futa o suru" which translates "to put a lid on a smelly thing"... Which means trying to solve a problem by ignoring it. Kojima Shimai told me that ignoring my problems won't make them go away. I love Kojima Shimai, because then she took us to the church and asked us to clean out the fridge with her. Turns out there was some oooooold, naaaaaasty food that has been there for who knows how long. I was gagging as I was cleaning and she tells me "it's a lot more work to clean up a mess when you ignore it for a long time, right?" I thought it was so funny. She is so wise. And sassy. I like her a lot. 

As for my mental/emotional state, I am doing much better. Thank you for your many prayers. I know that God gives us opportunities to grow... And those opportunities come in the form of trials and hard things sometimes. I am trying to "make a pearl" of this experience. Hard things don't last forever. I can do hard things. I appreciate the love and support! Things are looking up!

This week I read from that famous "the Fourth Missionary" talk. I like it because it talks about change, but reading it always kind of singes my eyebrows. It's very blunt. Anyways, One of the quotes that I really like says "Every challenge you face... Happens for one purpose only: to give you opportunity to respond by applying in your life the teachings of Jesus. As you do so you are changed to become more like Him."

I know that this is true. I am thankful that I have had SO many opportunities to use my agency. I need a lot of second chances. As long as I am trying, Heavenly Father will pick up the slack. I have noticed when we try our hardest to prepare, we are blessed to be able to understand when the topic changes, or if the investigator needs something else. Power comes from preparation. When we put in the effort, we qualify for God's grace. We all desperately need this grace in order to change. 

But like President Uchtdorf said, "... I wonder if sometimes we misinterpret the phrase "after all we can do." We must understand that "after" does not equal "because."... We are not saved "because" of all that we can do. Have any of us done all that we can do? Does God wait until we've expended every effort before He will intervene in our lives with His saving grace?"

God, in His great mercy, reaches out to us always... We just have to be willing to accept His help.

Back to "the Fourth Missionary" talk: "The purpose and central blessing of life is change. It is to be changed to become more like Jesus Christ. It is to incorporate into your character, the qualities of His character. It is to move from one degree of intelligence and capacity to the next, from there to the next, until you see God face to face and know Him as He knows you." 

This life is the time to prepare to meet God. We will see Him and speak with Him and it will be a happy day. I know He loves us, and wants us to have opportunities to grow. I know that I needed to go on my mission in order to have a closer relationship with God. He helps me, and I know that He loves me. I know that our Heavenly Father knows each of our names. He laughs and cries with us. He truly loves each one of His children, and He loves YOU! 

I love you too! Everyone have a great week and stay genki! 

Also, remember that my birthday is in 8 days. :)

Sent from my iPad

Sister Sanders

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Transfer seven week two

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: July 5, 2015 9:19:22 PM MST
Subject: Transfer seven week two

Transfer Seven Week Two!

Hello and good morning! How is America? Summer vacation? We've had tons of miracles this week. It almost makes all the rain worth it. Almost.

This week we fasted for Murakami. I love her so much! She has been close to baptism, but hasn't talked to her family yet. We planned a lesson where she would feel the Spirit so we could commit her to finally talking with her family. We taught about God's love and how He wants us to be happy. I used an analogy saying talking about Disneyland... There are lots of cool rides and experiences you can have.., but in order to get through the gate, (then I asked her what we need) and she said BAPTISM! We testified that through baptism, we can be happier and our family relationships can be strengthened. Bishop jointed for the lesson and he bore a powerful testimony that if Murakami walks this correct path, then her family will follow. I was bold and asked her if she would talk to her family about baptism. She said yes! I am so excited for her!! I absolutely love her family. She has the cutest kids. Someday her husband will come to know the truth and they will be sealed in the temple :) that is Murakami's dream. I cannot tell you how much I have prayed and fasted for this woman. She needs the gospel so much in her life. I am so excited that she is progressing so much!

Zone Training Meeting this week was awesome! We rode the bus to Nagamine and I was leading all of us because the elders bikes were broken, but we got lost... Oops. So we prayed and not even a minute later a man runs (literally runs) up to us and says "you look like you need help". He helped us find the right bus and we made it to the meeting on time. It was a good training. The zone Leaders talked about the Spirit and why it is so important that we are worthy to have it with us. It is so true, we definitely need the Spirit in order to plan, find, and teach those who are ready to accept the gospel. I still have lots to work on though!

So this week, I kind of broke. Let me explain: I have been struggling for a couple weeks. It's just normal missionary life, sometimes it is hard and you just want to power through. I was also refusing to admit that I wasn't okay and refusing to ask for help. I thought that if I worked harder, my problems would go away. My mother gave me wonderful advice to not let myself burn out. I was dumb and thought that I didn't need to worry about that. I thought "I am so far from burning out, and my struggles aren't even that bad compared to others... I am not yet like Job! I am fine! I'll just keep going"! I was WRONG! Shocker, right? Lesson number one is ALWAYS listen to your mom! On Wednesday morning I woke up and immediately knew I was ill. 

That whole day I was so sick! Not Pretty. The next day was our Zone Meeting, so I knew I had to get better quickly. We didn't know what to do... But it wasn't bad enough to go to the hospital. I received a priesthood blessing and district leader told me to stay in bed. I could not rest though. I felt so guilty. I felt like I needed to be outside working. My roommate Sister Chun came in and sat with me. Normally she talks a lot, but this time she just said "I think this is Heavenly Father's way of making you ask for help". Then she left to let me rest.

Haha, that was a joke because I couldn't sleep. I had a few hours after that to ponder. I knew I was struggling, but I didn't think it was that bad. My numbers were fine. Our companionship was actually doing better. The work was moving forward. But in my heart I knew I needed help to change. Because I was trying to do everything by myself, and just plough through anything And anyone in order to get the work done... I lost sight of my purpose. My heart wasn't in it. I had gotten tired. I lost my faith. And that is NOT the way missions are supposed to be.

So, at this point I find myself at the lowest I had ever been. Helpless and utterly alone. Sick, and laying on a futon somewhere in the middle of Japan. I knelt on my futon and cried out in prayer. I pleaded for god's forgiveness. I finally asked for help. I received such a sweet answer to my prayer: a warm feeling that started from my heart and quickly filled me with peace. I felt like I was at last ready to move forward. 

I asked for help from my companion and from my leaders. I have new goals to do more things that make me happy. There are some big changes I need to make, but I Think as soon as I get myself put back together, our investigators will be able to progress more.

What do you do when you find yourself having to start over? First, we need to remember that God loves us. President Uchtdorf said:

"Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely. …"What this means is that, regardless of our current state, there is hope for us. No matter our distress, no matter our sorrow, no matter our mistakes, our infinitely compassionate Heavenly Father desires that we draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us [see D&C 88:63]." 

Next, we need to TRUST and have FAITH that God will help us.

Alma 36:3 And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.

After this, we must be humble and repent. (Repenting meaning having a desire to change).

Mosiah 4:10 And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would [change] you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.

These are the most important things we can do! But this is not all, we need to press forward, renewing our promises with God, feeling an increase of the Holy Ghost, and then we must resolve to keep going. 

2 Nephi 31:20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

Isn't that a beautiful promise? I know that if we want to change, we can do it with God's help. When we remember His infinite love and rely on Him, our natures can change. Our trials are made lighter. We can be happier. It is because of Christ's sacrifice for us that this is possible!  That is why I love this Gospel so much! We do not have to be stuck in a pit of misery! My hope is to help people understand that this mortal experience is not the final product. There is so much happiness and so many blessings that await us IF we just turn to God. I don't know why I have to learn this lesson so many times... Probably because I haven't gotten it yet... But I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who waits patiently for me to be humble and turn to Him. You are not alone.

Have a great week!! I love you! Remember to brush your teeth and say your prayers! 

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