Monday, March 30, 2015


From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: March 30, 2015 12:41:44 AM MST
Subject: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Here is my big email for the week!

It won't be very big, I am so sorry I have been bad at writing! 

Here is a recap of what Elder Nelson talked to us about:
in D&C 42:1-2 it talks about how we need to Hearken, and hear, and obey.
The word Hearken appears often in the Old Testament, and the word in Hebrew is Shama. The definition is to listen with the intent to obey. Hearken is the first word in the Doctrine and Covenants, also 29 sections have the word hearken in the first sentence. I think Heavenly Father is trying to tell us something.
Another thing he said "God is never disappointed in anyone who has the desire to repent."
It is so easy to feel like we have strayed too far, there is no hope, or that God is angry with us. That is not the case at all. Just like we wouldn't be angry with a toddler falling when they are just learning how to walk, God is not angry when we make a mistake. This is our time to grow and learn. God wants us to have experiences- but most importantly He wants us to learn from them. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can seicho suru or kaizen suru (improve or progress). We can be free of all our mistakes and worries. I love this Gospel. I know that we can be forgiven of our sins because I have prayed for that forgiveness. I have felt God's love for me, and I have felt it for these amazing Japanese people. I love them. I know that God loves them. That is why I am here. I can't htink of anything else I'd rather do with my life than help people feel God's love.

Campbell Shimai is going home in a few weeks... and I am SO SAD! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! But we have been working hard and seeing tons of miracles. One miracle is while we were riding our bikes to find a less active (up a really crazy hill) I saw two women walking... so I stopped to talk to them, and before I could say anything, the woman asked "MISSIONARIES?" I said "Yes! Have you met us before?" She told us that 20 years ago, when she was about to have her baby, 2 Elders helped her husband clean their house! And since then, they haven't been able to find other missionaries! She was so excited to find us! She asked us if we could come over to her house and she would make us food. We said "um, YES!" so we exchanged phone numbers and we went our separate ways. That night, she calls us and says "My husband's day off is tomorrow, can you come over and he will make you Italian food?" Needless to say, Campbell Shimai and I were freaking out. We go over to their house the next day, and they welcome us in and sit us down at their table. We learn that the husband works on the military base- is fluent in English, and is a gourmet chef. He made us lasagna, and homemade pizza and lots of other dishes. WE WERE IN HEAVEN. We asked the couple about their lives and about the missionaries that helped them. They said they had a great relationship with those Elders, but did not hear the lessons. We talked for a long time... and I think we are all friends now! Their daughter was at work, but she is our same age, and they really want us to be friends with her- so they invited us to come back when their daughter is home. We invited them to watch the "Because He Lives" video, and left. We felt like that was all we should have done. They acted like members- they even invited their friend to eat with us. Look, they are already missionaries! I really love this family! They are such kind people. Can you imagine inviting two strangers into your home, and making a full-course meal for them????? I love the Japanese people. Anyways, we are praying for them and we are excited to see them soon!

We had a great week. Also, today we went to Miya Jima and HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! I love our district! There are only 6 of us, but we are all super good friends.

Mata ne! Ai shiteru yo!

Sanders Shimai
Sanders Shimai

At Miwa Jima Island

Our District! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Transfer 4 Week 4

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: March 22, 2015 7:22:49 PM MST
Subject: Transfer 4 Week 4

Well geez this week was crazy. Sister Campbell went on a Junkai in Hiroshima because she's an STL, so I held down the fort in Iwakuni with Sister Wilkinson from Ube. We had so much fun! 

We went to a big taikai in Fukuoka to meet and receive training from Elder Russell M. Nelson from the Quorem of the Twelve Apostles! It was amazing to hear his witness of the Savior. I am still going through my notes, so I don't have anything to share with you today, but be excited for next week.

Sorry this week was really boring other than that. 

It was really fun to see lots of old friends on Saturday!!!! And to be in my bean area of Fukuoka. I was excited that I could find my way around and help everyone find their way.

I am doing so much better. I put my head down and got to work and the negativity went away.

This is all I have time for this week! Love you all and talk to you later! Send me letters please!

Sanders Shimai

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fwd: Transfer 4 Week 3

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: March 16, 2015 4:41:58 AM MST
Subject: Transfer 4 Week 3

I don't have a lot of time!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry! How are y'all? I had such a great week! Sister Campbell is the best and I am so sad that we only have 4 weeks left together. I also hit 7 months on Friday of this week, and we have a big conference on Saturday that is the whole mission! I am so excited! We are riding a bus down to Fukuoka on Friday. It will take about 5 hours.

Here is a cool scripture thing sister Campbell showed me. In Ether 2:23, The Brother of Jared is inquiring the Lord about how to have light in the boats. The lord basically tells him to make a plan, and bring it back to him. Go to Genesis 6:16 about Noah building the ark, and see the footnote about windows. It'll blow your mind. The Brother of Jared STUDIED THE SCRIPTURES in order to make his plan to bring to the Lord. This meant that the Jaredites had records and studied them. I thought that was cool.

I am a little frustrated with our investigator right now because he isn't keeping any of his commitments. He says he will, but then never does. I was asking Heavenly Father WHY (because I am not very smart)... and my answer was 'Well, Sister Sanders, how many times do you do that to Me?" I really need to work on being EXACTLY obedient. I know it will bring me, and my investigators, lots of blessings.

Our other investigator committed to come to church with the Japanese branch, which is a huge deal because the church is an hour drive away. We are really hoping he comes!!!!!!!

I finally unpacked in Iwakuni... in a lot of ways. My clothes are all hung up, my suitcases are empty. I can finally get to work. Missionary work isn't easy. It's not supposed to be- but I still need to give it all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I didn't love this area at first. I missed Chikushino, my sweet Nihonjin doryo, and my friends there... I felt like I didn't fit in with this awesome American ward, and when I spoke in Japanese, people weren't understanding me. I was throwing that kind of pity party for myself. I wasn't happy. So I changed my attitude! It made all the difference. As soon as I decided to just TRY and love the people and this new place, I did. 

I know that the Lord loves us. He gives us these experiences to help us grow. He wants us to rely on Him for everything.

Hope everyone is looking forward to General Conference!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Sanders Shimai

Pie on Pi Day! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

4th Transfer Week 2

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: March 8, 2015 9:01:50 PM MST
Subject: 4th Transfer Week 2

WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!! I survived this week! It was a bit of a strugglebus but we made it!
We started off the week by going 3 hours south to Ube to do a mini junkai with our Sisters there. I had so much fun being comps with Sister Wilkinson! AND I got to wear a kimono. This sweet lady that helped us put on the kimonos then paraded us around town (a department store, CITY HALL) to show off our gaijin-ness (foreigner-ness) It was lots of fun!

I got a little sick this week, but it's all good because one of the nice Sisters in the military branch is a nurse, so she has been making sure I can still work! Iwakuni is so much colder than my last area!!! I love it though! We had a lot of adventures this week. 

I finished meeting all of the people I need to know. All the investigators, less actives, and ward members. This Sunday we went to the Yanai Branch two cities over where the Japanese members meet. It felt like coming home!!!!!!!!!! I missed speaking that much Japanese! The Elders are sooooo great! There is Elder French (from Canada) and Elder Kishihara from Tokyo.... then Elder Chantry from Utah, and Elder Ngatai from New Zealand! Then me and Sister Campbell are from AZ......... it is fun. They are such good Elders :) They are suuuuuuuuuuuuuper funny!

This week we had Zone Training Meeting with Kaicho and the AP's- it was really good and we focused on finding THE ELECT (ie the people who are prepared and ready to accept the gospel). Kaicho is a good man. He really cares about his missionaries. I am so sad that they are getting ready to go home soon!

That is about it for this week- sorry this is short, but I took lots of pictures!

Send me your favorite scripture and a SELFIE please! 

Much love
Sanders Shimai

Sunday, March 1, 2015


English! :)


From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: March 1, 2015 9:33:19 PM MST

Woah, I am officially not a baby missionary anymore!! How crazy! First off, I will talk about last PDAY where we went to the Tenmangu Shrine in Dazaifu. It was soooooooo beautiful and I had lots of fun with Ogawa Shimai, ELder Glover, and Elder Kikuchi, and Sayuri chan who is a YSA from our ward. My camera ran out of battery right before I got to the SAMURAI SHOP and I was so sad!! We had a blast and ate umegaemochi- a special kind of mochi with onko inside (onko is the bean paste).

Later that day, we got our transfer calls. Surprise, I was transferred to IWAKUNI. I was shocked- I just barely came to Chikushino last transfer!!!!!! It was so hard to say goodbye to the members and to Ogawa Shimai. I love her soooooo much. I definitely cried lots.

Iwakuni  is in Yamaguchi zone, but techinically is a city in Hiroshima... but is part of the Tokyo south stake. Super complicated deshou? Iwakuni is the BEST area because there are 2 main areas... the Iwakuni Marine Base... and the rest of Japan, haha! We are not allowed to proselyte on Base, or wear our name tags.... but we can visit members! It is so weird to be with Americans and eat American food again. I have a feeling I might get fat in this area. Dang it. I just came from a suuuuuuuper Japanese area, so I kind of forgot english? I have to remind myself what language I am speaking sometimes. The rest of our area is normal Japan. Lots of old people who are VERY Buddhist. Very different from Chikushino, where there were tons of college kids and young families. We have solid investigators, and one with a baptismal date for the end of March! We switch off going to the English branch and the Japanese branch in Yanai. The day I came, we got at least 10 calls from various members wanting to meet me and offering to feed us dinner. The members here are SO COOL! I am so excited to be here in this new area. 

The BEST part of being in Iwakuni is being companions with SISTER CAMPBELL! She is from Surprise, AZ, is a singing beast, loves to write missionary songs (don't worry, I will record all of them!) we have been rewriting all the lyrics to all the songs I can remember. It's a thing. I love it! SIster Campbell is super sciency and smart and I really love her. She likes to do personality typing... I have been learning a lot about that. For you psychology nerds, I am an ISTP type :) She is super chill and loves to do missionary work. She is also going home after this transfer.... which means I will have another new comp next transfer. Maybe I will train??? No idea. SIster Campbell is an STL right now, and they will need a replacement.... Anyways I am way excited to be working with a fellow Arizonian who understands my sense of humor! I love her so much!

Funny story, last night we were housing, and we knock on this door and an old man comes and is talking to us from behind the door. We are trying to talk to him, but he couldn't hear or something, so he opens the door, and sees us and starts freaking out. (SIDE NOTE, I can understand most Japanese, except for old man Japanese... they use to much slang... and they usually don't have teeth....) and he is pointing to me and keeps saying things with lots of emotion. My companion says goodbye and we walk away, and I ask "WHAT THE HECK?!" She says "He thinks you're beautiful and wanted to know if you had a boyfriend... and then you didn't answer, so he thought that was a no, so I just said goodbye for you" I laughed so hard. That's the first time THAT's happened!!

I am doing great. Missionary life is crazy, but I am doing great and I finally feel like a missionary!
My testimony has grown this week. I had to have a lot of faith in order to leave Chikushino. I loved it there. There are pieces of my heart there. I have no regrets though- everyone knew I loved them. It is better to be sad leaving because you're going to miss them so much than being glad to leave because you don"t know anyone. No regrets. It was hard though. I sang "I'll go where you want me to go" besically the whole 4 hour trip to Iwakuni.... but as soon as I got here, I felt confirmation that this was where I need to be. 

I know that the Lord loves us and wants us all to be happy. I am so sure of this. I feel it when I talk to people on the streets and in their homes. 

Missions are hard. But it is making me stronger. I am such a different person from 6 months ago... even from last month, or last week. Trials help us to come closer to God, if that is what we choose.

Thanks for all the love! Please send me pictures!!!!!!!! Share your testimony with someone and then tell me about it!

Love you,

Sister Sanders
Sanders Shimai

Entrance to Shrine in Tenmangu