Monday, February 23, 2015

Fwd: 6 Months and 6 Things I Have Learned

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: February 23, 2015 7:28:50 PM MST
Subject: 6 Months and 6 Things I Have Learned

I HIT 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoooo! I am not a baby missionary now! This transfer, I really felt like I got into the rhythm of studying the language and I feel like I can talk to people in Japanese now. I am not fluent or close to fluent, but I can have a VERY simple conversation! Yay!

Today we get transfer calls. I think I am staying in Chikushino, but you honestly never know. I really want to serve with Ogawa Shimai for another transfer, but now I am a trainer and Ogawa Shimai has finished her training.... so who knows. I will tell you next week!

I want to tell you about 6 things I have learned in 6 months of being a missionary.
1. How to pray. How to really petition the Lord and ask for the things that I need.
You can`t just ask someone for the keys to their car- they will want to know what you are going to do with it. But if you have a plan, and maybe you need to visit someone who just had an accident and your car isn`t working... the person might just reach into their pocket and hand you the keys. But if you say Ummmmm, your car looks really cool I want to see how fast it can go, you`re not going to get the keys. It is the same with prayer. You can`t ask for a gift without knowing what you`re wanting to do with it! 
2. How to study. I study for at least 3 hours everyday. I study the scritptures. I use what I learn and apply it. I study language. Since there are so many different people here in Japan, I learned how to give a brief explanation of the church in English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Nepalize, and Portuguese. This has helped my missionary work so much. People of every race and nation need the gospel, and they need to hear it in their own language.
3. How to teach. Especially about the Atonement. I am teaching all the time. In order for people to understand, I have to improve my teaching skills. There is a whole chapter in PMG dedicated to how to teach.
4. How to love people. I didn`t know I had the capacirty to love people as much as I do. I truly have a love and appreciation for the Japanese people. I am constantly thinking of my investigators needs, about my companion, the ward members, etc....
5. How to work hard. I won`t bore you with everything that we do everyday. But it is hard. I have learned that I can do it though. 
6. How to follow promptings from the Holy Ghost. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! Even if you are not a missionary! Just do it. When you follow one prompting, you receive more. Simple as that. Always try to be listening to the still, small voice.

This week was Elder Kikuchi`s birthday, so we made him a cake, and then he suprised us by taking us to eat REALLY JAPANESE SUSHI THAT COMES TO YOU ON A CONVEYOR BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was more than a little excited. I ate 20 plates- just as much as the Elders. Well, actually, Elder Hoskins ate 40 plates and thought he was going to die.

It was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all! Have a great week! I  hope everyone is looking forward to General Conference!


Sanders Shimai

Look at all the sushi!

6 month party on the swings

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fwd: Weekly Email

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: February 15, 2015 7:50:54 PM MST
Subject: Weekly Email

This week was CRAZY but we had so much fun!

On Wendesday we had a zone P-Day where we had the opportunity to go to the Fukuoka Temple, then afterwards, we had lunch and played games as a district. On the way home, we stopped at a little food cart and bought a delicious fried sweet potato thing. It was awesome! 
On Thursday, we had Mission Tour with Elder Whiting of the Seventy. He is part of the Asia North Presidency, and served his mission in Japan!!!!!!!! We learned so much from him. We talked about the power and authority we have as missionaries. It reminded me that when I put my tag on, I am literally becoming a representative of Jesus Christ. It is my job to do what He would do if he were here. When we`re set apart, we are given authority, but not power. However, Alma and the Sons of Mosiah has both authority and power when they taught... so how do you get power??? FROM THE HOLY GHOST. It was a great lesson. I am trying to allow myself to be guided more. 

At the meeting, I saw some old friends, Sister Smith, SIster Mills, Elder Agnew, Elder Rostrom, Elder Soares, and Elder Knighton! I got to talk to Elder Knighton a little bit and we took a picture! He is from Gilbert and went to Mountian View High School with Emily 

We said goodbye to an investigator this week... She wasn`t progressing or keeping her commitments. I hate dropping investigators, but Ogawa Shimai and I felt like it was the right thing to do. However, We found a new investigator this week! Her name is Mito san. The Lord always blesses us when we do His will.

I hope everyone had a good Valentine`s Day/Single`s Awareness Day. We got a suprise from the Elders WHO RODE THEIR BIKES OVER AT 6:30 AM TO DING SONG DITCH us and leave us chocolate. We love them so much. Thanks Elder Kikuchi and Elder Glover! We had made them brownies the night before and brought them over to the Elders at lunch. We have a happy little family of missionaries here in Chikushino. Dendo was way slow. No one was home and no one had time to talk to us........ so at the train station we passed out little flyers that we folded into hearts. We were trying to be creative!

I HIT 6 MONTHS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can`t believe how fast the time goes. I am 1/3 of the way done. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am so sad that I only have a year left! I have to work so much harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am doing great! I am really really thankful to be serving the Lord here in Japan. I am so lucky. I am learning how to really love the people. I really really want them to all hear about the gospel and how they can be happy.

MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanders Shimai

Nozomi San

​Sakura tree

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Sanders Shimai & Doi Shimai wearing special rain suits... it rains A LOT in Japan!

Monday, February 9, 2015


From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: February 9, 2015 8:32:54 PM MST

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!

This week we had a lot of fun! I don`t have a lot of time, but I will tell a few funny stories.

So everyday basically we ride past a pachinko place- a gambling place- I forget the word in English. And there are greeters that stand outside and call taxis for drunk people. We have become very good friends with the greeters. They wave at us and love to say hello! Even if we are riding on the other side of the street, they will yell and get our attention! We gave them chocolate yesterday because it was super cold and they are otsukaresamas :)  Haha you make all kinds of friends on your mission! 

We were shopping yesterday and I was looking at the fruits and all of the sudden I look up and IT WAS THE JAPANESE VERSION OF JOHNNY DEPP. I almost screamed. I got Ogawa Shimai`s attention and she gasped. We followed him for a few minutes. Then the ELDERS showed up and kept putting things like coffee packets in our basket when we weren`t looking. Silly Elders. I got them back good because I put a big box of femenine supplies in Elder Kikuchi`s basket that he didn`t see until he got to checkout. Yep, he had to buy it. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! He was pretty mad, but that`s what you get! I returned them for him and gave him his money back. Hehehehe I am still laughing about that.

I want to tell you about my district leader really quick. Elder Sugimoto is the coolest Japanese Elder ever! I served with him in Fukuoka. He is super cool because when he is talking to us, he`ll be like do you remember 5 years ago when (blank) apostle said (blank) in (blank talk) that has everything to do with what you are talking about? HE HAS EVERY TALK BASICALLY MEMORIZED. I don`t know how he does it, but it is so cool. Also, every time we call him, he answers in a different voice.

Other than that, we had a pretty average week. We are really working hard and trying to find new investigators. We are praying really hard and trying our best to be obedient. Transfers are coming up in 2 weeks and we have no idea what will happen. I really hope I get to stay with Ogawa Shimai! But I am excited for whatever adventure is next. 

I love Chikushino. I really feel at home here. The members are SO nice. They really show lots of love for me even though I`m a strange American haha! It started snowing this week!!!!!!!!!! We are having lots of fun. I am trying to make sure we are having fun while also getting work done. I am grateful for the opoprtunity to train early in my mission. I feel like I had to grow up fast and decide what kind of mission I want to have right from the beginning. I am working so hard! But I am so happy! I hit my pillow exhausted every day. Physically, we walk or ride our bikes wherever we need to go. Mentally, I am constantly speaking a foreign language. I am thinking about how many people we`ve talked to, trying to remember where someone lives, etc. Emotionally, UGH I get tired just thinking about it. I miss home, I am worried about my investigators, I have my companion, the Elders in our area, ward members, and also assignments from my district leader, Zone Leaders, and Mission President. The circle of the love that I have to share has stretched SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Spiritually, I am constantly relying on the Spirit to guide me in what I need to do, where to go, and what to say. I am bearing my testimony, sharing personal experiences, and trying to build up other`s faith. Sometimes people try to tear down my faith, but that won`t stop me. I really feel the Lord helping me and strengthening me. I don`t know how I would do this if the Lord wasn`t on my side.

There is no way I could do this by myself!

Almost all of the ward members in Japan are converts. Talk to any of the adults and they will tell you when they first met the missionaries. There are almost no 2nd generation adults in all of Japan. The children in the ward are the first ones to have parents who are members. All of the people I teach would be the first members in their families if they convert. In the Buddhist religion, to forsake your ancestor`s beliefs brings great shame to the entire family. It is very very hard for people to convert, BUT people have done it, and their lives have been blessed. On a side note, almost all of the active male adults lost or quit their jobs when they became members because most Japanese companies require you to work on Sundays. Most of the Brothers own their own businesses. They are great examples of sacrificing something important in order to keep the commandments of the Lord. Japanese Mormons do a great job blending their heritage and culture and their standards in a way that they are still Japanese, but are obedient to all of Heavenly Father`s commandments. I have learned so much from the examples of the people here!

The Lord promises to bless us when we follow Him. 

This week, my testimony of personal revelation was strengthened. I know when we are worthy, we can receive answers through the Holy Ghost to tell us what we need to do.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sanders Shimai

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fwd: Transfer 3 Week 3

From: Lindsay Sanders <>
Date: February 2, 2015 11:46:00 PM MST
Subject: Transfer 3 Week 3

Happy February! February is the coldest month of the year in Japan, so I bought a  big box of hand warmers today. I would probably die without them, haha! We had a great week! We cleaned our apartment, taught MEMBER PRESENT lessons, and talked to a lot of special people! 

Right now, our investigators seem to all be taking an Oyasumi (break). No one will answer their phones or have time to meet us in the upcoming weeks, so we are taking this opo9rtunity to find new investigators! We are praying really hard to find someone who is prepared to hear our message.

I did another Junkai with Doi Shimai! We had so much fun! It was pouring rain, but we saw some cool miracles and laughed a lot. We also walked up some very steep hills in the pouring rain...... that was fun.

I love Chikushino because I can see the stars at night! Ogawa Shimai and i were riding home and she asked if we could stop for a second. I look up and there were shooting stars! It reminded me of Dad! In Fukuoka, the lights were too bright to see the stars. It was so special to see them. I really felt like Heavenly Father was saying `See, I remember you! Look at this beautiful sky I made for you`. Ogawa Shimai said that she loves looking at the stars too. In Japanese, stars are hoshi.

I made lots of cookies! We gave them to ward members, less actives, our investigators, and then still had enough to keep 2 doezen, and give about 4 dozen to the Elders. They were really happy!!!!!!! Have I told you about Elder Kikuchi and Elder Glover? I don`t know if I have. They are the best. I will give them a proper introduction next week. They are both half Japanese.

I had my big interview with my mission president! He asked me to work a lot harder. At first, I felt like `Hey, you already asked me to train a Nihonjin on my third transfer, what more could you possibly ask of me?!` But I learned another lesson- the Lord demands the very best of us. I have so much to improve on. My Japanese needs to be better, my teaching skills need to improve.... so many things. I am thankful for the kick in the pants. It helps me to be humble and to try a little harder!

On a more positive note, as a district, we went to a yummy pizza place after our interviews and had lots of fun! Except the Elders put tabasco sauce on my pizza........ so I put anchovies in their hot chocolate! :) It is fun to have `brothers` out here in Japan! 

I am doing great! THANK YOU FOR THE SEFLIES!!!!!!!!!! KEEP EM COMING!!!!!!! I will send a seflie back to everyone who sent me one next week. I love you all!

Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanders Shimai