Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pre-Mission Papers

Hello! My name is Lindsay Sanders, I am a musician, wanna-be kickboxing champ, and I'm a Mormon! I am going to be starting my mission papers in this next week, and before the journey actually begins, I just wanted to document my feelings that will hopefully help other Future Sisters-In-Training. I wanted to share my experience through every step of the mission process and give insights and tips as they come! There are so many resources for young men who are preparing for missions, but since the age change, more and more Sisters are serving, which is FANTASTIC! But where is the love for us Sisters?! I'll compile all the information and helpful sites I can find in future posts! But for now, I just want to talk about why I want to serve:

I have wanted to serve a mission since I was a little girl. I have always had the desire to go! My original plan (before the age change) was to go to college and complete as much of my degree as possible, and leave as soon as I turned 21. In the months approaching October of 2012, when I was applying to colleges, nothing felt right. I was praying for direction, and wasn't getting any answers. I remember exactly where I was when President Monson announced the age change. I was house sitting for a family friend, and I had just finished feeding the pets. First, the age for the boys was lowered to 18... and Sisters could now be recommended for service at age 19 instead of 21! I knew, at that very moment, that I needed to serve as soon as I turned 19. What an amazing blessing! After the change, everything with my education and a job fell into place. The Lord wasn't ignoring me, I just needed to wait because He was preparing a better path for me! Like I'm sure every other Sister is, I am so excited to serve the Lord!

The road since I committed to serve a mission has been a bit bumpy, but I know that it is the right decision for me. I have been so blessed to be raised by wonderful parents that taught me the importance of the Gospel! I want to serve my brothers and sisters and teach them about God's love for them! I am so excited for all of the experiences, good and bad, that a mission will bring. A mission isn't easy or glamorous... but I know it will be worth it!

Tomorrow I will meet with my bishop and he will activate my papers online so I can start filling them out... I will try to keep up with all of my little "milestones" and I will share my thoughts/feelings/testimony every step of the way.

My advice for girls thinking about serving a mission:
This decision is between you and the Lord. Sisters are NOT required to serve, and you shouldn't feel like you have to. If you pray about it and feel like it's not the right move for you, that is fine! More than fine, GREAT! Everyone's path is different. You can still make a difference and have amazing opportunities without serving a full-time mission. However, if you feel a desire to serve and the Holy Ghost confirms that you should go, never doubt that prompting. Once you make that decision, the adversary knows and will do everything he can to stop you. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN. There are people waiting to hear your testimony. There is work for you to do. I know the journey is hard, but if you rely on the Lord, He will provide you with peace and clarity. When you realize you can't do everything on your own and turn to the Lord, it all becomes manageable. Notice I didn't say easy! But I promise, you can handle any curve ball that comes your way when you put your faith in your Savior.

D&C 6: 36 aLook unto me in every bthoughtcdoubt not, fear not.